Wuxi Sunket New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd

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Solar module prices gradually stabilising


On April 6, TCL announced the latest silicon wafer prices. Compared to last month, 218.2 wafers are down by RMB 0.16 per wafer, 210 wafers are down by RMB 0.15 per wafer and 182 wafers are up by RMB 0.18 per wafer.

In addition, according to data from consulting firm Tiburon, module prices remained largely stable this week, with 182 monocrystalline single-side PERC modules and 210 monocrystalline single-side PERC modules trading at 1.75RMB/W, and 182 double-sided double-glass monocrystalline PERC modules and 210 double-sided double-glass monocrystalline PERC modules trading at 1.77RMB/W.

The solar market price differentiation is obvious, a line of enterprises supported by orders, April orders offer upward trend, the terminal is not yet accepted, still in the wait-and-see stage, second and third line enterprises to grab some projects, the bottom price continues to dip; a number of terminal projects into the field, solar module scheduling continues to rise slightly in April, some PV enterprises feedback orders have appeared significantly higher, and the recent auxiliary materials such as glass, backsheet price increase is expected to be strong In the case of cost pressure and demand improvement, the component may usher in a wave of upward trend.




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