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Double Glass Solar Panel

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Кітай Double Glass Solar Panel пастаўшчыкі

Compared with traditional organic backsheets, what are the advantages of dual-glass modules with glass backsheets? Here are 6 reasons why:
1) High strength: The double-glass module adopts a symmetrical structure of two-sided glass, which has better mechanical strength. During the storage, transportation and installation of the module, it is not easy to cause local cracks in the cell and scratches on the backsheet;
2) Low attenuation rate: As an inorganic material, glass itself has very good weather resistance, UV resistance, sand dust, and salt mist, which can well avoid m attenuation and failure caused by its own aging;
3) High power generation efficiency: When located on sandy/concrete ground, the surface reflectance of double-sided modules is relatively high, about 20%~40%, and a bracket with a height of 1m is erected on the cement flat roof. The first-year power generation gain of dual-glass modules will be close to 10%;
4) 30-year long-term warranty: The warranty period of double-glass modules can reach 30 years, which is of great help to the improvement of the investment rate of power station. In addition, the durability and life of photovoltaic glass itself are also very long, which has certain advantages compared with photovoltaic backsheets;
5) Moderate weight, easy to handle: Compared with the traditional single-glass modules, the double-glass modules using 2+2mm glass are not much different from the former in terms of weight, and there is no obstacle for double handling;
6) Fireproof and moisture-proof, suitable for IKEA: Double-glass modules have good barrier properties, which can prevent water vapor and air from entering the module through the glass and cause attenuation, especially suitable for photovoltaic power plants at the seaside, waterside and areas with high humidity. In addition, double-glass modules also have good fire resistance, which is very suitable for residential areas, chemical plants and other areas that need to avoid fire hazards.

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