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Home > Производи > Solar Cell > 158.75mm 5BB Mono Solar Cell

158.75mm 5BB Mono Solar Cell

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Home > Производи > Solar Cell > 158.75mm 5BB Mono Solar Cell

Кина 158.75mm 5BB Mono Solar Cell Добављачи

Monocrystalline solar panels

To make solar cells for monocrystalline solar panels, silicon is formed into bars and cut into wafers. These types of panels are called [monocrystalline" to indicate that the silicon used is single-crystal silicon. Because the cell is composed of a single crystal, the electrons that generate a flow of electricity have more room to move. As a result, monocrystalline panels are more efficient than their polycrystalline counterparts.

Monocrystalline solar panels are generally thought of as a premium solar product. The main advantages of noncrystalline panels are higher efficiencies and sleeker aesthetics.

1 High conversion efficiency gives superior Power output performance

2 Outstanding Power output even in low light or high temperature conditions
3 Optimized design for ease of soldering and lamination
4 Long-term stability, reliability and performance
5 Low breakage rate
6 Uniform color

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