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Home > прадукты > Solar Cell > 182mm 11/10BB Mono Solar Cell

182mm 11/10BB Mono Solar Cell

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Home > прадукты > Solar Cell > 182mm 11/10BB Mono Solar Cell

Кітай 182mm 11/10BB Mono Solar Cell пастаўшчыкі

Front Side (−): Silicon oxide + blue silicon nitride compound anti-reflection coating (PID Free) ; The front side is a half-cut design; The busbar head is a large double fork, and the pads of the busbar are intermittently stepped. The size of the head pad is 1.2 ± 0.15mm * 1.3± 0.15mm, and the middle pad of the busbar size is 0.8±0.15mm*1±0.15mm.
Back Side (+): Passivated layer (AlOx and SiNx) and Rear Contact (Al); the rear electrode is composed of 10 roots rear compound busbar and 160 roots rear Al fingers. The composite busbar is locally narrowed, and the width is 1.5 ± 0.3mm and 1.0 ± 0.3mm, respectively. 8 sections 1.45±0.3 mm silver anode, no laser pattern under the rear electrode. Silver electrode has round head, and silver electrode is 1.5±0.6mm hollow at both ends.

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