Wuxi Sunket New Energy Technology Co.,Ltd

Головна > Продукти > Solar Cell > 156.75mm 5BB Poly Solar Cell

156.75mm 5BB Poly Solar Cell

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Головна > Продукти > Solar Cell > 156.75mm 5BB Poly Solar Cell

Китай 156.75mm 5BB Poly Solar Cell Постачальники

Polycrystalline sillicon (also called: polysilicon, poly crystal, poly-Si or also: multi-Si, mc-Si) are manufactured from cast square ingots, produced by cooling and solidifying molten silicon. The liquid silicon is poured into blocks which are cut into thin plates. The solidification of the material results into cells that contain many crystals, making the surface of the poly-Si/ mc-Si cell less perfect than its mono-Si counterpart. Due to these defects, polycrystalline cells absorb less solar energy, produce consequently less electricity and are thus less efficient than monocrystalline silicon (mono-Si) cells. Due to their slightly lower efficiency, poly-Si/ mc-Si cells are conventionally a bit larger, resulting in comparably larger PV modules, too. This factor has to be considered if space is limited. Nevertheless, the advantage of poly-Si/ mc-Si cells is that they are easier and thus cheaper to produce.

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