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The Draft of Renewable Energy Directive published on May 18, 2022


The draft will be published on May 18, 2022 and will be further updated. The draft will detail some of the regulations and measures the Commission will announce and expands on the REPowerEU document published in March.

The Renewable Energy Directive is expected to be more ambitious, with the share of electricity from renewables rising from 40% to 45% by 2030. This ratio calls for 1.236TW of renewable energy capacity by 2030, which would replace the 1,067GW target envisaged by the "Fit for 55" target and significantly increase from the current 511GW.

Solar energy will play a major role in this growth. The draft states that the Commission will set the REPowerEU solar installation target at more than 300GW by 2028, more than doubling the target of 165GW installed capacity by the end of 2021.

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